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As a history buff and previous history studies student of Elizabethtown College, preservation of antiques has always been a goal through my work. This includes mechanical pieces from the turn of the century ranging from typewriters to player pianos. Recent studies in architecture have also included a focus on historic farm designs and preservation to my portfolio. 

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Victor Victrola VV-IX

This Victor Victrola, manufactured in the late 1910s, received a deep cleaning of the mahogany cabnet, to help restore the natural shine. Mechaincally speaking, the motor was completely restored, as well as the reproducer. 


Royal KMM Typewriter

During WWII the Royal typewriter manufacturing company not only supplied the US military with fire power, but also typewriters. This 1944 KMM was completely restored including cleaning, filing, polishing, and a new ribbon. 

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Cedar Hill Extension Project

As part of the Elizabethtown College Master Plan, the proposed site for student housing occupies nearly 9 acres of land, which this design highlights through an agricultural standpoint. Facilities pictured hold 100 students total.


Royal KHM Typewriter

This early 1930s Royal KHM typewriter received a complete mechanical restoration and light buffing of the original finish to highlight the gloss of the black enameled paint. 

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Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph

This Edison Diamond Disc Model C150 sports not only a restored mahogany finish, but also luster finish nickel hardware, and a restored motor. 


Gepfer Family Farm

This 2-point perspective drawing highlight's the previous Gepfer family farm, located outside of Mastersonville Penna.

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Gepfer Family Farm

This 2-point perspective drawing highlight's the previous Gepfer family farm, located outside of Mastersonville Penna.

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24'x24' Attic truss Pole Barn

40'x80' 16' High Pole Barn

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32'x50' 12' High Pole Barn

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24'x24' 10' High 2 Car Pole Barn

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